
Email Marketing Magic

Bringing the a**kicking adventures of Xbox to the inbox, one email experience at a time.

Series S

Meet the Little Beast—the smallest Xbox console EVER. We were tasked with creating an email series that celebrated this sleek, next-gen machine. Inspired by video games, we dedicated each email to an attribute: Intelligence, Strength, Dexterity, and Charisma. The end result was a beautiful campaign that gave video game fans a chance to see what lay beneath the seemingly minimalist exterior of the Series S.

Please email me at to view the full campaign.


An email smorgasbord

As a writer, I love a good story—and Xbox has some of the best. From Halo, to Far Cry, to Forza, and beyond, I’ve had the opportunity to bring the action and adventure to the inboxes of fans, new and old.

To take a closer look or access the full campaigns, please email me at